Friday, July 13, 2018

Supplements for Beauty and Health

I believe in supplements, but I never force my opinion on others. Our diets often lack necessary vitamins and minerals, because either we consume too many empty calories, junk food, etc, or we have limited diets, or don't consume enough food (even the good one) to satisfy the need. What works for one might not work for another and what to take depends on everyone's individual situation, so unless you know what  you need, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist.

I'm also very picky with the brands and will not take a supplement if I don't know the brand. I have to know it, it has to be trustworthy and reliable, so usually I end up with a choice of few brands that I've used throughout the years and feel confident to buy from.

This post is strictly on what supplements I take in my situation. 

I used to take multivitamins with a few additional supplements, but now I tend to be more specific and target my certain needs. Fish oil/Omega 3-6-9 is one of my must take supplements, because I only get very small amounts of it with food. For example, I eat smoked salmon almost every day, but very small quantities that are often less than a serving. I like fish, but don't eat it too often and when I do, I don't have a full serving. I can't eat avocados and I'm not a big fan of nuts. I like some seeds (e.g. flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds) and dark green leafy vegetables, but again I don't consume the needed amount.

Calcium is another mineral that I have to supplement my diet with. It is very important for muscles, bones, heart, nervous system, cells. I don't drink milk, I don't like yogurt, I eat very little cheese and I don't like most other calcium-rich non-dairy foods, so besides beans and a few oranges, leafy greens and nuts, I have no other source to get it. To make things a little more fun (and sweet) I like taking supplements not only in tablet/capsule/powder form, but I also choose chocolates and chews/gummies.

A few times a year (or when there is a need) I take supplements targeting specific needs. For example, when I move more and want to support my joints, I take these soft chews* to help me with inflammation and joint hydration. 

Some people argue that vitamins/minerals are a waste of money, because we pee them out, but I'd rather take a supplement that I don't absorb completely than not take it at all (I am more careful with fat soluble vitamins that our bodies store and can do more harm than good easily). I take this specific vitamin C, because it also contains electrolytes, antioxidants and B vitamins. It's good for immune system and skin and it's an easy way to replenish the body during workout or any other activity causing sweating.

I also take a few supplements for beauty. Sometimes I take collagen (type 1 and 3) and biotin separately, but I like using one supplement that combines both as well as other ingredients (like silica that is important to use with collagen). I have normal skin that used to be a bit on the dryer side in cold months and more on the oilier side in hot months (never flaky or anything like that, but it varied) and after using this supplement I noticed that my skin stopped fluctuating. It's normal and the weather temperature doesn't affect it anymore. I also noticed how much quicker my nails started growing. I do my nails every 2 weeks and I tend to start short, two weeks later just shape them and two more weeks later to cut them short again. When using this supplement I have to trim my nails after the first 2 weeks or else my nails are just too long (for my liking and what I'm used to) at the 4 week mark.

Usually I take one supplement for nails-hair-skin not targeting specific need. Sometimes I see changes in all 3, sometimes only in 1 or 2 areas. My hair is a little harder to notice a change on, because once it reaches a certain length it slows down growing. I used to get hair cuts/trims twice a year and that was enough for me. 3-4 months after my last haircut I started thinking that it's time to go to the salon again and then realized that it hasn't been that long since I've been there. My hair did grow back way quicker while using supplements (collagen and biotin). However, while it stays stronger and I don't loose that much hair brushing, it doesn't grow past a certain length quickly afterwards no matter if I continue with supplements or not. Since beauty supplements are versatile, I do see benefits in taking them.     

* marks PR samples received complimentary

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